Youth Poetry Competition Winners
Note: Because of COVID-19, the Malad Valley Welsh Festival was cancelled,
including the Adult Poetry Competition. However, some teachers used the Youth
Poetry Competition as a home assignment, so some winning poems were selected.
Theme: “HEROES”
1 st PLACE – 1 st and 2 nd GRADES
by Alexa Kowallis
Heroes are awesome,
Heroes are great.
We all love heroes,
So let’s celebrate!!
Spiderman can stick
To the wall.
Look! He’s on the ceiling,
And he doesn’t fall!
Batman can fly
Through the air.
Look! He just flew
Right over my hair!
Elastigirl can stretch
Her arms out wide,
So she has an easy time,
Trying to hide!
We can all be heroes
Just like them.
All we need to do
Is be a good friend!
2 nd PLACE – 1 st and 2 nd GRADES
by Drake Wakley
S aved my mom’s life.
C an be patient.
O nly likes to be good.
U nderstands my commands.
T eases my family.
M akes me happy.
Y eah, he is awesome.
D does handshakes.
O n top of the world.
G oes on hikes with my mom.
3 rd PLACE – 1 st and 2 nd GRADES
by Lineni Lavaka
G oes to all my activities.
R uns me to dance.
A lways awesome.
N ice to be around.
D oes TV shows with me.
M akes my favorite meal.
A sks me how my day was at school.
1 st PLACE – 6 th GRADE
by Izzy Haycock
When I think of the word “superhero,”
My mom comes in my mind.
You may have a hero,
But not as kind as mine.
My mom is the light,
Who keeps my day bright.
No matter what day,
She will find a way to play.
Instead of fighting villains,
She will fight my flu,
And when I say I love her,
She says, “I love you, too!”
She is the greatest gift with a bow,
And my life’s greatest hero.
2 nd PLACE – 6 th GRADE
by Brynnlee Jones
When most people think about heroes, they think of
or Hulk.
But when I think about heroes, I think of
or Courageous.
Heroes don’t always have superpowers.
For me a hero could just be a person who
stands up for someone who is being bullied,
helps someone up when they fell down,
or being nice to everyone.
To me a hero is like a dog.
A hero is like a dog because they always
try to boost your confidence
make you happy
and protect you.
That is the way I see a hero.
3 rd PLACE – 6 th GRADE
by Bayli Nesbit
People say heroes are the policemen
and firemen, but
when you have a
heart attack, a stroke, or
just fell down and can’t get up,
EMT’s are the ones there helping you.
They save you; they are there helping you up or
rushing you to the hospital; yet, they don’t get the gift baskets
or thanks that firemen and policemen somehow get.
They are heroes because they love helping you.
They aren’t there just for the money.
They are there to save you;
They are heroes.
1 st PLACE – 7 th and 8 th GRADES
by Natalie Webster
What can a hero be?
As a girl or boy in their childhood dreams,
A hero has powers, but is that what it means?
A hero doesn’t need to be strong or tall;
A hero can practically have nothing at all.
The point of a hero is the thought that counts.
A hero with little would say to himself,
“I have nothing to live on, only slightly a bit
But if I did, I’d certainly give it.”
A hero is capable of things big or small.
A hero can have nothing at all.
Remember whenever you’re feeling down,
There are heroes everywhere all around.
And when you think to yourself, “Am I a hero, too?”
Just know, everyone’s a hero and that includes you!
No matter how you live or how you act,
Every thought counts and that’s that.
2 nd PLACE – 7 th and 8 th GRADES
by Evelyn McIntosh
My dad’s a trucker, and it’s a fact –
Seven days a week, he does not slack.
From town to town he delivers goods,
A variety of things like metals and woods.
Through rain, sleet, snow, and hail,
He is more reliable than the U.S. Mail.
In times like this, his heroism is profound;
He goes into places that no one wants to be around.
3 rd PLACE – 7 th and 8th GRADES
By Giana Sauro
My dad is my hero.
He is one dynamite guy.
If you stick around for a minute,
I will tell you why.
He taught me how to ride a bike;
He picks me up when I fall down;
He taught me how to play hockey;
And he never lets me frown.
When he makes a joke,
Laughter fills the room.
He makes the best of a bad situation;
His personality is just a boom.
My dad helps me with so much,
And I am very glad,
Which makes me very happy
That I get to call him “Dad.”
by Garren Huckaby
My world was full of superheroes
When I was a child.
They never bled or lost to foes;
Never were they reviled.
They had cool costumes — every one —
And knew just what to say.
They’d fight a battle, and WHEN they won,
They’d up and fly away.
Beings of fantasy that can’t exist–
Humans can’t fly, I’m sorry.
No matter how long you resist
And plead to nights, so starry.
“No,” you cry, “I won’t believe
In a superhero-less world.
Though I am young, I’m not naïve;
I believe in capes unfurled.”
Eventually, reason will win,
And with broken heart, you’ll cry,
“I live upon an earth of sin
Where people ache and die.”
But in this moment of deep despair
When soul and mind exhaust,
Please know that I would never err
And say the cause is lost.
For world, though mortal it may be,
The fight is far from o’er.
Why would we struggle to be free
If we’d already won the war?
I still believe in heroes,
But different than before.
Heroes in life take the blow;
They lose, and then lose more.
They lost because they won’t give in;
They fight because they love;
They struggle with the beast within;
That’s what heroes are made of.
by Savannah Poulson
A humorous hero, a spandex-covered miracle–
A basic quote, a gas-covered shadow.
Mine are not as such.
One big fight, one quick move–
One handsome gesture, one shiny smile–
That does not make a hero.
The everyday mom, the tired nurse,
The blistered farmer, the spoken celebrity,
The forgiving friend, the random stranger,
The drained teacher, the numb soldier.
Why must the title
Belong to a face
And not the heart?
by Hallee Kimberling
My hero may not be the greatest fighter;
Maybe he’s not very brave or strong.
But he is someone that makes my life a bit brighter,
To me that’s a hero; he makes me feel like I belong.
My hero is selfless; he would give his life to save many.
He loves endlessly and is always there.
He makes me feel important, priceless, more than any penny.
He eases my burdens that are hard to bear,
Comforts me, and helps me whenever I’m sad.
My hero is and has always been my dad.